As I thought about the idea of patience, I began digging into the concept of God's patience. What I noticed pretty quickly is that, when it comes to God, we are quick to focus on His grace, mercy, love, strength, but not really His patience. Why is that? Is God's patience even on the same playing field as His grace and mercy? Is God even patient?
Here is what I ultimately concluded. I believe God IS patient. He is ridiculously patient. But God's patience is not noticeable until we understand His grace and mercy. When we begin to grasp what we, as His creation, deserve for our behavior and sin, God's grace and mercy enter into a new perspective. In fact, God's patience is ultimately seen in His grace and mercy with us.
I know that if I created you and a world for you to exist and then watched my creation constantly deny me and ignore my love and provision for their own selfish ambition, the results would be pretty predictable. I would just head back to the drawing board and start over. "I brought you into my world, and I'll take you out," would be my mantra.
But instead of showing wrath, God chose to display grace and mercy. Mercy by not giving us what we deserve (eternal death and separation from Him). And grace by giving us a free gift that we in no way deserve (forgiveness through His Son, Jesus Christ, for all who believe). And God's grace and mercy is ultimately founded in His unbelievable patience. Jesus Christ is the results of God's patience. God's power is not best seen in His creation, but with His creation.
"God, thank you for your patience with me and your deep desire to be personally connected to me. Thank you for your mighty display of patience found in the innocent death and resurrection of your one and only Son, Jesus Christ. Thank you for displaying how truly powerful you are through your enduring patience with me. I love you, Heavenly Father."
Gavin Adams
Lead Pastor, Watermarke Church